Fresh Produce

Photo of Carrots pre Pack

Carrots pre Pack 1kg

$1.50 each ($1.50 per kg)

Photo of Apples - Large Royal Gala /kg

Apples - Large Royal Gala /​kg

$3.90 per kg

Photo of Apples - Pink Lady

Apples - Pink Lady

$5.99 per kg

Photo of Apples - Small Royal Gala Apples /kg

Apples - Small Royal Gala Apples /​kg

$3.90 per kg

Photo of Apples Grannysmith /kg

Apples Grannysmith /​kg

$5.99 per kg

Photo of Asparagus


$4.99 each

Photo of Avocado Each

Avocado Each

$4.99 each

Photo of Baby Spinach

Baby Spinach 100g

$4.99 each

Photo of Bananas - Cavendish  /kg

Bananas - Cavendish /​kg

$4.99 per kg

Photo of Banans - Lady Finger  /kg

Banans - Lady Finger /​kg

$9.99 per kg

Photo of Basil


$3.99 each

Photo of Beetroot /Kg

Beetroot /​Kg

$4.99 per kg

Photo of Blueberries

Blueberries 125g

$7.99 each

Photo of Broccoli /Kg

Broccoli /​Kg

$5.99 per kg

Photo of Broccolini


$2.90 each

Photo of Brussel Sprouts

Brussel Sprouts

$14.99 per kg

Photo of Butternut Pumpkin Cut

Butternut Pumpkin Cut

$3.99 per kg

Photo of Cabbage Drumhead

Cabbage Drumhead

$4.99 each

Photo of Cabbage Drumhead Cut

Cabbage Drumhead Cut

$3.99 each

Photo of Cabbage Red Cut

Cabbage Red Cut

$3.99 each

Photo of Cabbage Sugarloaf

Cabbage Sugarloaf

$3.99 each

Photo of Cabbage Sugarloaf Cut

Cabbage Sugarloaf Cut

$2.49 each

Photo of Capsicum Baby Pre Pack

Capsicum Baby Pre Pack

$4.99 each ($28.51 per kg)

Photo of Capsicum Green

Capsicum Green

$6.99 per kg

Photo of Capsicum Red

Capsicum Red

$12.99 per kg

Photo of Capsicums Yellow

Capsicums Yellow

$12.99 per kg

Photo of Carrot Batons /Kg

Carrot Batons /​Kg

$12.99 per kg

Photo of Carrots


$3.99 per kg

Photo of Carrots Dutch

Carrots Dutch

$4.99 each

Photo of Cauliflower Half

Cauliflower Half

$4.49 each

Photo of Celery / Carrot Batons

Celery / Carrot Batons

$12.99 per kg

Photo of Celery Bunch

Celery Bunch

$5.99 each

Photo of Celery Half Bunch

Celery Half Bunch

$3.49 each

Photo of Celery Sticks Loose /Kg

Celery Sticks Loose /​Kg

$14.99 per kg

Photo of Celery Trayed

Celery Trayed

$3.99 each

Photo of Cherries Bagged /Kg

Cherries Bagged /​Kg

$12.90 per kg

Photo of Cherry Tomato

Cherry Tomato 250g

$3.99 each ($15.96 per kg)

Photo of Cherry Tomatoes Trayed /Kg

Cherry Tomatoes Trayed /​Kg

$19.99 per kg

Photo of Chillies Hot Green per kg

Chillies Hot Green per kg

$29.99 per kg

Photo of Chillies Hot Red per kg

Chillies Hot Red per kg

$29.99 per kg

Photo of Chinese Vege ( Pak Choi )

Chinese Vege ( Pak Choi )

$2.90 each

Photo of Coriander

Coriander 50g

$3.99 each

Photo of Cucumbers Continental

Cucumbers Continental

$3.99 each

Photo of Cucumbers Lebanese

Cucumbers Lebanese

$4.99 per kg

Photo of Delicious Apples Large. /Kg

Delicious Apples Large. /​Kg

$5.99 per kg

Photo of Dill

Dill 25g

$3.99 each

Photo of Eggplants /Kg

Eggplants /​Kg

$9.99 per kg

Photo of Eschallots Bunch

Eschallots Bunch

$2.99 each

Location & Contact

881 Old Cleveland Rd, Carina
• 4152

07 33981634 |

Shopping Options

Online shopping available

Click & Collect | Delivery

Opening hours

6:00 am - 10:00 pm
6:00 am - 10:00 pm
6:00 am - 10:00 pm
6:00 am - 10:00 pm
6:00 am - 10:00 pm
6:00 am - 10:00 pm
6:00 am - 10:00 pm

Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day and Easter Day